Free Crochet Penguin Christmas Ornament Pattern

Free Crochet Penguin Christmas Ornament Pattern

Free Crochet Penguin Christmas Ornament Pattern (2)

Are you wondering how to make a crochet christmas ornament with a beautiful crochet penguin? Let’s work on this simple and easy crochet christmas ornament pattern step by step. It is very simple to make. I can say that it is an ideal amigurumi pattern for beginners. If you like crochet penguin, you can prepare it to decorate your tree this New Year’s Eve. You can create the free crochet christmas ornament pattern now by following the instructions below. If you wish, you can gift it to your loved ones at Christmas time or use it on your own tree. Our designer did not write the crochet christmas hat, so you can design one yourself or use one if you already have one. Merry christmas!

Crochet Christmas Ornament Pattern

Pattern: lukoshkina.o

Crochet penguin

1: start 6 sc in a magic ring
2: 6 inc = 12sts
3: (inc, sc) rep 6 times = 18 sts
4: (2sc, inc) rep 6 times = 24sts
5: (sc, inc, 2 sc) rep 6 times = 30sts
6: (4sc, inc) rep 6 times = 36sts
7: (2 sc, inc, 3 sc) rep 6 times = 42sts
8-15: 8 rows- 42 sts
16: (2 sc, dec, 3 sc) rep 6 times = 36sts
17: (4sc, dec) rep 6 times = 30sts
18: (sc, dec, 2sc) rep 6 times = 24sts
19: (2sc, dec) rep 6 times = 18sts
20: (dec, sc) rep 6 times = 12 sts
21: 6 dec = 6sts


1: start 6 sc in a magic ring
2: inc, sc, ch, turn
3: dec, sc, ch, turn
4: dec

1: start 6 sc in a magic ring
2: 6 inc = 12sts
3: (inc, sc) rep 6 times = 18 sts
4: (2sc, inc) rep 6 times = 24sts
5: (sc, inc, 2 sc) rep 6 times = 30sts
6: (4sc, inc) rep 6 times = 36sts
7: (2 sc, inc, 3 sc) rep 6 times = 42sts
8: (6 sc, inc) rep 6 times = 48 sts
9-15: 7 rows- 48sts
– sl st, ch, turn, 6 sc, 4 dec (hdc), 6 sc, sl st, ch, turn
– 5 sc, 3 dec(hdc), 4 sc, sl st, ch, turn
– 10 sc, sl st, ch, turn
– 3 sl st, dc, 2 tr, dc, 3 sl st

Free Crochet Penguin Christmas Ornament Pattern (3)
