Free Amigurumi Crochet Shark Bruce Pattern

Free Amigurumi Crochet Shark Bruce Pattern

Free Amigurumi Crochet Shark Bruce Pattern (2)

Greetings, my friends who love making amigurumi. Today we have Bruce the crochet shark. Bruce is a white shark. He is a character in the Disney movie Finding Nemo and is a friend of other fish. The only shark that is a friend of fish is Bruce. Despite his scary appearance, Bruce is a very friendly, gentle shark. He is also extremely humorous. I’m sure children who love the Finding Nemo cartoon will know this friend of ours. Here, you can prepare a nice surprise for them. Now follow the step by step free crochet shark pattern instruction and complete the Bruce character.

Free Amigurumi Crochet Shark Pattern

Pattern: mycosycrochetsanctuary

Materials and tools

7mm hook
Blanket yarn
Stitch markers
20mm safety eyes
Tapestry needle
Black thread or felt to embroider face details such as mouth and gills.


MR: Magic ring
R: Round
Sc: Single crochet
Inc: Increase
Dec: Decrease
Hdc: Half double crochet
Hdc inc: Half double crochet increase

Finished size: 44 cm x 20 cm.

Dorsal fin

R1. MR: 3 sc, 2 hdc, 1 sc (6)
R2. 3 sc, 2 hdc, inc, 1 sc (8)
R3. 3 sc, 1 hdc inc, 2 hdc, 1 hdc inc, 1 sc (10)
R4. 3 sc, 6 hdc, 1 sc (10)
R5. sc all around (10)
Fasten off and leave a long enough tail for sewing.
Stuff the fin for it to keep the shape.

Pectoral fin

R1. in MR: 3 sc, 2 hdc, 1 sc (6)
R2. 3 sc, 1 hdc inc, 1 hdc, 1 sc (7)
R3. 3 sc, 2 hdc, 1 hdc inc, 1 sc (8)
R4. 3 sc, 1 hdc inc, 3 hdc, 1 inc (10)
R5. 3 sc, 1 hdc, 1 hdc inc, 3 hdc, 1 sc, 1 inc (12)
R6. 3 sc, 6 hdc, 3 sc (12)
R7. sc all around (12)
R8. Crochet both sides together with 6 sc (6)
Fasten off and leave a tail long enough for sewing.


Small part:
R1. 4 sc in MR (4)
R2. (1sc,1inc)x2 (6)
R3. (2sc,1inc)x2 (8)
R4. (3sc,1inc)x2 (10)
Fasten off and leave a tail for closing the gap before round 2 of joining.

R1. 2 sc, 3 dec, 1 sc, join with the first stitch of small fin using 1 sc, 1 sc, 5 dec, 1 sc (14)
R2. 1 sc, 2 dec, 2 sc, 3 dec, 1 sc (9)
R3. (1sc,dec)x3 (6)

Big part:
R1. 4 sc in MR (4)
R2. (1sc,1inc)x2 (6)
R3. (1sc,1inc)x3 (9)
R4. (2sc,1inc)x3 (12)
R5. sc all around (12)
Do not cut, stuff both fins and continue with joining.


R1. (1sc,1inc)x3 (9)
R2. sc all around (9)
R3. (2sc,1inc)x3 (12)
R4. (2sc,1inc)x4 (16)
R5. sc all around (16)
R6. (3sc,1inc)x4 (20)
R7. 2 sc, (1inc,3sc)x2, 2 sc, (3sc,1inc)x2 (24)
R8. (3sc,1inc)x6 (30)
R9-10. sc all around (30) / for 2 rounds.
R11. (4sc,1inc)x6 (36)
Start stuffing.
R12. sc all around (36)
R13. (5sc,1inc)x6 (42)
R14. (6sc,1inc)x6 (48)
R15-16. sc all around (48) / for 2 rounds.
R17. (6sc,1dec)x6 (42)
R18. (5sc,1dec)x6 (36)
R19. (4sc,1dec)x6 (30)
R20. sc all around (30)
Add safety eyes between row 18-19.
R21. (3sc,1dec)x6 (24)
R22. sc all around (24)
R23. (1sc,1dec)x8 (16)
R24. sc all around (16)
R25. 4 sc, 4 dec, 4 sc (12)
Finish stuffing the body.
R26. dec all around (6)
Close the head.

Sewing fins

Sew the pectoral fins on either side of the sharks body around rows 13 from the mouth.
The tail should have the big part facing upward when doing this.
Sew the dorsal fin in the centre of the shark top around 2 rows back from the pectoral fins.

sewing fins

Embroider gills

Cut a piece of black yarn about 20 cm/8 inches.
Just before the front edge of the pectoral fin, embroider 3 vertical lines decreasing by 2 stitches in length toward the mouth that are about a stitch apart from each other.
Entering from bottom of the shark and out point A, enter B (approximately 7 stitches apart) and exit C, (two rows toward the mouth and 1 stitch lower than A) then enter D (approximately five stitches apart) and exit E (two rows toward the mouth, and one stitch down from B) and finally enter F (approximately 3 stitches apart) and out from the bottom of the shark. Fasten off and weave in ends.

embroider gills

Embroider mouth

Cut a piece of black yarn about 20 cm/ 8 inches.
Embroider the mouth as such:
Insert your needle under the head, and bring it up where your mouth starts. Draw the yarn through, leaving a short yarn tail.
Insert your needle about 8 stitch to the left and pulling your needle to another point through the center of the mouth.
Insert your needle in the same spot but around the black thread.
Pull your needle through the right side of the mouth about 1 stitches up diagonally.
Put your needle downward about 2 stitch and go through the other side of the mouth about 1 stitch down diagonally. Go up about 2 stitch.
Use your needle to go through the same spot to the starting point under the head.

Bruce the crochet shark is ready!
