Totoro Crochet Pattern

Free PDF Totoro Crochet Pattern

Totoro Crochet Pattern

Totoro Ghibli is a Japanese animated series and kids love this cute show. Totoro, the supernatural hero of the movie, later became a mascot. Today I am sharing a totoro crochet pattern for you. You can easily complete the cute totoro crochet amigurumi pattern thanks to the simplified totoro crochet pattern instruction that you can easily follow step by step. For beginners, the totoro pattern is almost instructive. Download the free PDF pattern right now and complete the cute totoro character. Add a new character to your crochet animals amigurumi collection.

Free PDF Amigurumi Totoro Crochet Pattern

Designer: yuk_kurisan


Yarn: With your favorite yarn.
Hook: 2.5 mm.


Rnd: Round
St/sts: Stitch(es)
MR: Magic ring
Ch: Chain
Sc: Single crochet
Dc: Double crochet
Dec: Decrease
Inc: Increase
Slst: Slip stitch

Ear 1:

First make one ear.
Rnd 1. 4 sc into MR (4)
Rnd 2. (sc,inc)*2 (6)
Rnd 3. 6 sc (6)
Cut yarn.
Next, make another ear.


Ear 2 and body:

Crochet as same as (1), from rnd 1 to rnd 3 but don’t cut the yarn.
Connect the two ears (rnd 4).
Rnd 4. 6 ch, sc on the 1st stitch of the rnd 3 of (1), (6sc, 6sc on the ch)*2 (24)
Rnd 5. 24 sc (24)
Rnd 6. (3sc,inc)*6 (30)
Rnd 7-8. 30 sc
Rnd 9. 2sc,inc,(4sc,inc)*5, 2sc (36)
Rnd 10-12. 36 sc (36)
Rnd 13. (5sc,inc)*6 (42)
Rnd 14-16. 42 sc (42)
Rnd 17. (5sc,dec)*6 (36)
Rnd 18. 36 sc
Rnd 19. (4sc,dec)*6 (30)
Rnd 20. (3sc,dec)*6 (24)
Rnd 21. sc,dec,(2sc,dec)*5, sc (18)
Rnd 22. (sc,dec)*6 (12)
Rnd 23. dec*6 (6)
Cut yarn, fasten off.


Rnd 1. 6 sc intp MR (6)
Rnd 2. inc*6 (12)
Rnd 3. inc*2, 3sc, inc*3, 3sc, inc (18)
Rnd 4. inc*3, 5sc, inc*5, 3sc, inc*2 (28)
Rnd 5. inc*3, skip st, sc, 8 sl, sc, skip st, inc*4, sc, 6sl, sc, inc (34)
Cut the yarn, leave a tail for sewing to body.


Embroider the nose and whiskers.
Make a pattern on the belly as you like.
